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[ Script Execution time: 0.0141 ]   [ 7 queries used ]   [ GZIP Disabled ]

FORM and GET Input
s = 5263ee73cc7d3199c5adbdd902a6064a
act = Help
CODE = 00
request_method = get
Privacy =

Queries Used
SELECT id, member_id, running_time, location FROM ibf_sessions WHERE id='5263ee73cc7d3199c5adbdd902a6064a' and ip_address=''
DELETE FROM ibf_sessions WHERE running_time < 1715558036 or ip_address='' or id='5263ee73cc7d3199c5adbdd902a6064a'
INSERT INTO ibf_sessions (id, member_name, member_id, ip_address, browser, running_time, location, login_type, member_group) VALUES ('d9470f3b1b111ec22921fd8e67fd9ea5', '', '0', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko;', '1715561636', ',,', '0', 2)
SELECT * from ibf_groups WHERE g_id='2'
SELECT s.*, t.template, c.css_text FROM ibf_skins s LEFT JOIN ibf_templates t ON (t.tmid=s.tmpl_id) LEFT JOIN ibf_css c ON (s.css_id=c.cssid) WHERE s.default_set=1
SELECT id, title, description from ibf_faq ORDER BY title ASC
SELECT macro_value, macro_replace FROM ibf_macro WHERE macro_set=9

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