> Lost Password Form
How to reset your password
Enter your account username in the field below. The username is case insensitive.
Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an email asking for validation of this request to ensure that no malicious use has occured. This email will also contain a link that you must click.
You will be presented with a form that will allow you to enter a new password to use for this account.
Please complete the form fully
Enter your account username

[ Script Execution time: 0.0171 ]   [ 6 queries used ]   [ GZIP Disabled ]

FORM and GET Input
s = 519b28123799d0ab0e3fd33ed2b9bcd9
act = Reg
CODE = 10
request_method = get
Privacy =

Queries Used
SELECT id, member_id, running_time, location FROM ibf_sessions WHERE id='519b28123799d0ab0e3fd33ed2b9bcd9' and ip_address=''
DELETE FROM ibf_sessions WHERE running_time < 1715559994 or ip_address='' or id='519b28123799d0ab0e3fd33ed2b9bcd9'
INSERT INTO ibf_sessions (id, member_name, member_id, ip_address, browser, running_time, location, login_type, member_group) VALUES ('2e5658a28fa0a0d49491243cd6f98095', '', '0', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko;', '1715563594', ',,', '0', 2)
SELECT * from ibf_groups WHERE g_id='2'
SELECT s.*, t.template, c.css_text FROM ibf_skins s LEFT JOIN ibf_templates t ON (t.tmid=s.tmpl_id) LEFT JOIN ibf_css c ON (s.css_id=c.cssid) WHERE s.default_set=1
SELECT macro_value, macro_replace FROM ibf_macro WHERE macro_set=9

all material on this site copyrighted by Relationship LLC 1996-2003