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Cookies and cookie usage
    Using cookies is optional, but strongly recommended. Cookies are used to track topics, showing you which topics have new replies since your last visit and to automatically log you in when you return.

    If your computer is unable to use the cookie system to browse the board correctly, then the board will automatically add in a session ID to each link to track you around the board.

    Clearing Cookies

    You can clear the cookies at any time by clicking on the link found at the bottom of the main board page (the first page you see when returning to the board). If this does not work for you, you may need to remove the cookies manually.

    Removing Cookies in Internet Explorer for Windows

    • Close all open Internet Explorer Windows
    • Click on the 'start' button
    • Move up to 'Find' and click on 'Files and Folders'
    • When the new window appears, type in the domain name of the board you are using into the 'containing text' field. (If the boards address was '' you would enter '' without the quotes)
    • In the 'look in' box, type in C:WindowsCookies and press 'Find Now'
    • After it has finished searching, highlight all files (click on a file then press CTRL+A) and delete them.

    Removing Cookies in Internet Explorer for Macintosh

    • With Internet Explorer active, choose 'Edit' and then 'Preferences' from the Macintosh menu bar at the top of the screen
    • When the preferences panel opens, choose 'Cookies' found in the 'Receiving Files' section.
    • When the cookie pane loads, look for the domain name of the board (If the boards address was '' look for '' or ''
    • For each cookie, click on the entry and press the delete button.

    Your cookies should now be removed. In some cases you may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

    [ Script Execution time: 0.0137 ]   [ 7 queries used ]   [ GZIP Disabled ]

    FORM and GET Input
    s = 3dd585f2649fc0bb4d847dc2da2b8c23
    act = Help
    CODE = 01
    HID = 2
    request_method = get
    Privacy =

    Queries Used
    SELECT id, member_id, running_time, location FROM ibf_sessions WHERE id='3dd585f2649fc0bb4d847dc2da2b8c23' and ip_address=''
    DELETE FROM ibf_sessions WHERE running_time < 1714068162 or ip_address='' or id='3dd585f2649fc0bb4d847dc2da2b8c23'
    INSERT INTO ibf_sessions (id, member_name, member_id, ip_address, browser, running_time, location, login_type, member_group) VALUES ('e449ff7f0a3d5ab95c4aa590353ad4cc', '', '0', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko;', '1714071762', ',,', '0', 2)
    SELECT * from ibf_groups WHERE g_id='2'
    SELECT s.*, t.template, c.css_text FROM ibf_skins s LEFT JOIN ibf_templates t ON (t.tmid=s.tmpl_id) LEFT JOIN ibf_css c ON (s.css_id=c.cssid) WHERE s.default_set=1
    SELECT id, title, text from ibf_faq WHERE ID='2'
    SELECT macro_value, macro_replace FROM ibf_macro WHERE macro_set=9

    all material on this site copyrighted by Relationship LLC 1996-2003